We welcome inquiries from universities, schools, maker spaces or whichever other institutions or people interested in using the OFC for their application. Thus far, we were very happy to engage in these outreach activites:

The OFC travels to OSHOP in Dresden
At the end of September, Theresa had the opportunity to present the Open Fuel Cell (OFC) platform at the inaugural Open Source Hardware Conference (OSHOP)

Physics Night at University of Duisburg-Essen
On November 22, 2024, the Open Fuel Cell (OFC) joined the fun at this year’s Night of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen (check it

Urban Zeo Festival in Duisburg Ruhrort
Is the OFC suitable for outdoor use? Can you showcase fascinating fuel cell technology with live measurements at science fairs? YES, YOU CAN! At the

The OFC travels to MeetTech+Teach in Mannheim
Introduction In late November 2023, the Open Fuel Cell (OFC) took a significant leap forward in its application for educational purposes. The occasion was the

Maker day 2023
The open fuel cell was presented at the Maker day 2023 at the public library in Duisburg. Many crafters showed interest in our open fuel

Our visit at the hy-fcell 2023
Is the open fuel cell just meant to be a nice to have item used for some basic educational applications? By far: NO! On the